God’s people together in ministry throughout the 65 synods of the ELCA - offers numerous opportunities for you to share your resources for ministry, including designated giving options to: Vision for Mission, World Hunger, Disaster Relief, the Fund for Leaders in Mission, campus ministry, global missionary support, higher education, social ministry, and many more. www.elca.org
The ministry of the Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod is focused upon the life and mission of the eighty nine congregations located in fourteen counties that constitute the NWPA synod. The primary emphases of the Synod are 1) making disciples, 2) forming faith, and 3) developing leaders. The congregations of the NWPA Synod are committed to be faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ within the Northwestern Pennsylvania region as well as partners in the world-wide ministries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. www.nwpaelca.org
The LWF strives to put its faith into action within and beyond the communion. This witness takes a variety of forms: communications, ecumenical and interfaith relations, capacity building, advocacy, humanitarian assistance, theology, mission, development and many others…
The LWF Council has named four priorities for the work of the LWF:
Strengthening Lutheran identity as a communion of churches in mission
Deepening ecumenical commitments and fostering interfaith relations
Bearing witness in church and society to God’s healing, reconciliation and justice
Enhancing communication, mutual accountability and sharing
Bethesda Children’s Home/ Lutheran Social Services is a Christian ministry that has been providing care for children, youth, and their families for over 80 years. Originally established as an orphanage in the early 1900’s, Bethesda is now recognized as a leader for providing superior treatment and prevention based behavioral health services for youth and families throughout Pennsylvania. www.bethesda-home.org
Lutheran Home at Kane
The Lutheran Home, Kane, Pa. is a non-profit organization providing professional care and housing alternatives to our community. Through quality services, specialized programs and a caring staff, we strive to bring a sense of belonging to those we serve. Our goal is to meet their physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs with understanding, dignity and respect. www.lutheranhomekane.org/
The Village at Luther Square tries to do everything possible to make the transition of joining our community an easy one for both resident and family. Our Social Services Department offers in-depth facility tours to fit your schedule. We are responsive to your emergency needs, as well as, in the event that you need to place a loved one with us on short notice for respite care also. www.vals.org
The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, a school of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, prepares pastors and other leaders for the church and the world. The seminary offers a full range of degree and certificate based theological education, including special opportunities in Theology and Public Life (based in Washington, DC), town and country ministry, and youth and family ministry. Central to its mission is the preparation of “faithful disciples able to proclaim and embody Jesus Christ to a restless world.” www.ltsg.edu
Thiel was founded by Lutheran clergy and laypersons whose mission was to establish a church-related college that would provide education relevant to succeeding generations of students. They were guided by the Lutheran conception of education as vocation, as calling. They were committed to education that rested on a firm ethical foundation and was intended to develop students motivated to serve others. They wanted to produce students prepared for successful careers and fulfilling lives. Thiel has remained faithful to that vision throughout its history. A Thiel education empowers individuals to reach their full potential by assuring academic excellence, stimulating global awareness, promoting ethical and responsible leadership, and preparing students for careers so that lives inspired by truth and freedom may be committed to service in the world. www.thiel.edu
Lutherlyn is a year-round Outdoor Ministry which has been providing “Life-changing Adventures in Faith” since 1949. Our unique opportunities for Christian living, faith formation, and educational experiences attract over 16,000 people annually. Our programmatic offerings include: Summer Camp for youth and families, Day Camps, Leadership School, Retreats, Environmental Education programs, Adventure Programs, and a variety of seasonal programs spread throughout the year. www.lutherlyn.com
The mission of Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania is to advocate in both public and private sectors of society on behalf of, and in partnership with, those persons who are denied justice, dignity, reconciliation, peace, and access to basic human rights, and who lack adequate representation and voice in the arenas of public policy.www.lutheranadvocacypa.org
Augsburg Fortress is the publishing ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Funded through sales revenue, Augsburg Fortress is called to provide products and services that communicate the Gospel, enhance faith, and enrich the life of the Christian community from a Lutheran perspective. www.augsburgfortress.org
The Lutheran magazine belongs to the people of the ELCA in all our diversity. The magazine:
Nurtures awareness of Christ's presence in our lives and the world.
Shares stories of God's people living their faith.
Connects us with the global Christian community.
Provides an open forum for discussion.
Challenges us to bring God's grace and care to all.
The Mission of Inter-Church Ministries of Erie County is to be a network of Christian Churches committed to cooperation for the greater good of the religious community and people of Erie County, Pennsylvania. The Vision of Inter-Church Ministries of Erie County is to:
Witness to Christ through unity among Christian churches,
Encourage interfaith cooperation,
Share resources with those in need, and to
Do nothing separately that can be done better together.